Donald Trump's Geopolitical Impact: Insights from Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, a renowned geopolitics analyst, recently provided a comprehensive analysis of how Donald Trump's rise to power has significantly altered the global landscape. This article delves into his perspectives on the impact of Trump's presidency on Israel, Syria, Mexico, and the evolving global order.

Trump's Impact on the Global Order

According to Jalife-Rahme, Trump's victory marks a major turning point in the world order, signifying a shift away from progressive "Woke" agendas towards a more conservative and nationalistic approach. This change has profound implications for various global regions.

Israel and the Middle East

Trump's Influence on Netanyahu

Jalife-Rahme highlights Trump's influence on Israeli politics, particularly his directive to Benjamin Netanyahu to resolve conflicts before Trump's return to the White House. This suggests Trump's intent to shape Israeli policies.

The "Great Israel" Project

The analysis discusses the long-term plan to reshape the Middle East, with Netanyahu emerging as a significant beneficiary under Trump's presidency. This includes a re-engineering of the region's cartography and demographics.

Religious Resurgence

With Trump, there is a noted resurgence of religiosity in the United States, which contrasts with previous "Woke" agendas and George Soros's influence in Israel.

The Role of the "Khazars" and the Definition of "Semite"

Jalife-Rahme challenges the traditional understanding of "Semite," arguing that many Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazars and not truly Semitic. This controversial perspective raises questions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and claims to the land based on ancient lineage.

Trump's "Project 2025" and White Supremacy

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP)

Jalife-Rahme describes "Project 2025" as Trump's agenda rooted in white supremacism. This includes forming alliances between WASPs and Latinos, evidenced by key appointments in Mexico.

Mexico's Position and the Rise of Religiosity

Remexicanize Politics

Jalife-Rahme critica la postura política actual de México, argumentando que es necesario "remexicanizar" su enfoque para alinearse con el resurgimiento de la religiosidad en los Estados Unidos. Destaca la desconexión entre los valores tradicionales y la influencia de progresistas dentro del partido gobernante.

The Global Power Structure: A Tripolar World

Jalife-Rahme posits a tripolar world order with Russia, China, and the United States as major powers. He suggests that Trump's strategy may involve breaking the Russia-China alliance.

The Syrian Conflict and the Greater Israel Agenda

The Syrian conflict is viewed as part of the Greater Israel agenda, with implications for the region's stability and future targets, such as Egypt.

Mexico-US Relations

Jalife-Rahme expresa preocupación por la falta de preparación de México para posibles confrontaciones con los Estados Unidos, exacerbada por la desestabilización interna causada por los cárteles.


Alfredo Jalife-Rahme's analysis offers a unique and highly opinionated perspective on the geopolitical shifts driven by Donald Trump's presidency. While his views are controversial, they highlight the need for a nuanced understanding of the global order and the various factors influencing it.

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